Monday, January 24, 2011

First Person Narrative: Mission 6195

This is a story I made up about escaping from GLPS! XD

It's not that I actually want to escape, and I don't think GLPS is this bad(well, probably...:D). I just exaggerated to make the story funny. 

I hope you all enjoy it!
     I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my earphones, and quickly turned the alarm off. It was precisely 5:45. I quietly sat up, and looked at my roommates. They were just waking up, too. Right on time, I thought, relieved. We looked at each other, silently exchanging meaningful looks. Then we simultaneously crept out of our blankets, climbed down from our beds, and got to work.
As we began our mission, I thought about the steps we had to go through for today…
I struggled to open my eyes, and looked at my clock. It was 8:15.
My eyes flew open.
I jumped out of bed, shook my roommates awake, flew into the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair in exactly 30 seconds, grabbed a shirt and pants and put them on without looking at them, threw my books in my bag, slung the bag over my shoulders, stuffed my feet into someone’s shoes, and raced out the door with my roommates close behind me.
The elevator was just closing, about to go down. I threw myself between the double doors, and managed to open the elevator. My roommates and I sighed in relief, and looked at each other.
One of my roommates, JY, was wearing my red Nike sneaker on one foot and her white indoor slipper on the other. Her hair had a comb stuck in it, and she was wearing a pink blouse with the buttons buttoned wrong with green shorts.
My other roommate, SJ, was even worse. She was wearing her black hoodie inside out, and underneath were my orange ski pants. Her bare feet peeked out from below.
We looked around the elevator. Everyone else looked similar to us.
We all looked at each other’s haggard faces, and sighed again, this time in despair. We had been living at GLPS for only a week, and we were already close to losing our minds. The hectic schedule of homework, classes, studying, homework, and more homework was too much for us. Most of us couldn't get even 3 hours of sleep every night, because of all the research papers and presentations and speeches and essays to do.
The elevator door opened. We trudged out into the white snow, starting another tiring day.
I sighed in relief when eighth period was over. At least there was dinner to look forward to. I climbed the seemingly endless hill, forcing my numb legs to keep on walking. The dormitory was the main prison, but they gave decent food.
Time flew by as I got into the overflowing elevator, got off the elevator, walked into my room, threw off my bag, silently climbed the stairs to the cafeteria, and ate dinner with my roommates.
When we arrived at our rooms after dinner, JY, SJ, and I looked at each other. We knew that all three of us were thinking the same thing. At the same time, we said: “Let’s escape.”
This is when our frantic planning began. We spent all of compulsory study time, snack time, and the whole night carefully planning every step of our escape. It was only well after midnight that we were done and satisfied with our final plan.
The first step would be to subdue the PAs, also known as Prison Assistants. They were slightly less powerful than the TAs(Trainer Assistants), but they slept in the room next to us, so they were a main danger factor, too.
We knew that all the PAs liked coffee. So we decided to put a steaming hot mug of coffee with ground sleeping pills hidden inside right in front of their rooms. There are 11 PA rooms, so we needed 11 mugs of coffee. This was easily arranged, because JY was friends with the cafeteria workers and could borrow even 100 cups if she wanted. We got the cups ready to place in front of their doors right before they go to bed.
Also, we knew that we needed to stay hidden the whole time. There are CCTVs installed in elevators and the stairs, so using the elevators and stairs in our normal clothes was out. 4 TAs who never seemed to sleep guarded the four sides of the dormitory/prison, so climbing out of the window was out. The only way was to walk right out of the main entrance.
We weren’t tall enough to be teachers or TAs, so we had to steal the navy-blue hoodies that PAs always wore. SJ, who had a talent for charming people, engaged the three PAs on our floor in a long and interesting conversation about the handsome PA that had left the camp two days before, right after they changed out of their hoodies into their pajamas. While they were talking, I crept into their room, stole their hoodies, replaced them with similar-looking shirts, and snuck back out.
Easy as pie.
After that, we placed the mugs of coffee in front of all their doors. Soon enough, we could hear snoring sounds from all the rooms. We checked all the rooms, just in case, and sure enough, they were all asleep.
We pretended that everything was normal, and went back to our everyday schedule of homework, studying, work, and more homework. We went to bed and set our alarms at 5:45, for once going to sleep with a peaceful mind and hope for tomorrow.
My roommate tapped me on the shoulder, waking me up from my silent recollection. I started to get to work.
First, we changed into the PA hoodies and unremarkable jeans. Then we brushed and tied our hair, washed our faces, put on lotion, and became clean enough to look like a PA.
We slipped a can of fainting spray that could make a full-grown man lose consciousness for 5 minutes into our pockets, just in case. We didn’t want to use them, but we had to be ready for cases of emergencies.
We also organized and stuffed everything we had into cardboard boxes, wrote our addresses on them, and placed them inconspicuously on the pile of packages being sent to the outer world.
We were ready.
We got into the elevator, and slowly went down, our hearts pounding.
The elevator door slid open at the first floor.
We stepped out of the elevator. The automatic double door opened, welcoming us outside.
The TA that guarded the main door was right beside the door. We tried to walk as casually as we could, but my lips were getting dry, and my heart seemed ready to fly out of my chest if anything happened.
Then the TA stopped us, stepping into our way.
My heart started to pound even faster.
He opened his mouth, and took a breath.
Then he said, “Could you lend me 500won to buy a drink? I’m really thirsty.”
I sighed quietly in relief, slipped a coin out of my pocket, and handed it to the TA. He nodded thanks, and stepped out of our way.
We walked on in the dark, walking down the hill to the road outside the school. I wanted to talk and laugh with JY and SJ to ease the tension, but I knew that it wasn’t the right time yet.
We gripped each other’s hands tighter as we reached the exit. We walked past the statues beside the main exit...
And we were out.
We were out. We had done it.
JY, SJ, and I jumped up and down, shrieking and clapping and crying and feeling happy enough to fly at the same time. I kept yelling, "We did it! We're free! We did it!"
We walked beside the road to the faraway city, where we could see lights and cars and buildings and humans and no homework and no detention and no PAs or TAs to stop us.
We were free. Mission accomplished.
---------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------

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